Welcome to the website of Orpheus Trust in Austria (1996-2006). Its successors' plattform is orpheus.news



Research of the life and oeuvre of exiled, persecuted and murdered musicians (composers, performing artists, musicologists and critics) who had lived in Austria or the area of the former Austro-Hungarian empire:

- By establishing a DATABASE which today contains biographical data on more than 4.570 persecuted, exiled and murdered musicians, as well as of their works with more than 11.000 entries.
- ORAL HISTORY interviews with émigrés and their relatives: to date altogether 215 interviews with testimonials from Austria, Great Britain, Israel and the United States in DAT format as well as transcribed.
- ARCHIVE with compositions, sound recordings, photos, biographical material and secondary literature.

In December 1997 the Orpheus Trust received the artistic estate of FRITZ SPIELMANN, which has now been researched by the Orpheus Trust and is available to the general public, upon appointment, in the Vienna Literaturhaus. The Orpheus Trust also received the bequests of the instrumentalists ALFRED and HERMANN LUNGER, of Webern-pupil KURT LIST, of the singer FRANZ STEINER and part of the heritage of the singer and actor OSKAR KARLWEIS.

Since July 2002 and based on the database of the Orpheus Trust, an independent research project �Verfolgte Music� (persecuted music) is being undertaken, conducted by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stenzl (University of Salzburg, Institute of Music), and with the collaboration of Dr. Gerhard Scheit, Dr. Primavera Gruber, Mag. Winfried Schneider, Mag. Dr. Irene Suchy, Mag. Evelyn Adunka and Mag. Sabine Reiter, and sponsored by the Wissenschaftsfonds/FWF (science foundation). The research data base 'Verfolgte Musik� (persecuted music) today lists the names of 5125 persecuted composers.



Gerhard Bronner




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