Welcome to the website of Orpheus Trust in Austria (1996-2006). Its successors' plattform is orpheus.news


Public Performances and Co-Productions

| 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2008 | 2011 |

Wednesday January 28, 1998, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture series 'Music in Exile'
Anja Oechsler: Ernst Toch in Hollywood

Thursday January 29, 1998, 7.30 p.m.
Urania, Mittlerer Saal, Uraniastraße 1, 1010 Vienna
Concert series 'Hommage to ..'
Ernst Toch and Music for mechanical instruments
Moderation Andreas Heisig and Andreas Jungwirth

Wednesday February 18, 1998, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture series 'Music in Exile'
Winfried Schneider: 'Brüder zur Sonne, zur Freiheit!'
Musical Culture in the Austrian Labour Movement

Monday February 23, 1998, 7.30 p.m.
Urania, Mittlerer Saal, Uraniastraße 1, 1010 Vienna
Concert series 'Hommage to ...'
Erwin Weiss: Lieder from his London Exile and Political Songs
Jedweder Küchenchor, conductor: Florian Kovacic. Georg Tichy, voice, Erwin Weiss, piano

Thursday February 26 - Saturday February 28, 1998
Institut für Volksmusikforschung der Musikuniversität Wien, Ungargasse 14, 1030 Vienna
Seminar Klezmer music
Seminar and Workshop with Isaak Loberan and Joshua Horowitz

Wednesday March 18, 1998
Jewish Museum City of Vienna, Dorotheergasse 11, 1010 Vienna
Ceremony on the Occasion of the Mexican Note of Protest's 60th Birthday
Music programme by the Orpheus Trust: Compositions by Marcel Rubin and Ruth Schonthal
Yair Kless, violin, with Claus-Christian Schuster, piano

Sunday March 22, 1998, 7.30 p.m.
ORF RadioKulturhaus, Argentinierstraße 1040 Wien
Fritz Spielmann Festival des Orpheus Trust 'Spring Came Back to Vienna'
Fritz Spielmann Gala
Three hours musical programm on the life and music of Fritz Spielmann, performed and sung by the 'Golden Stars'. Special Guests: Gerhard Bronner, Roger Salander

Monday March 23, 1998, 6 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Wien
Fritz Spielmann Festival of the Orpheus Trust 'Spring Came Back to Vienna'
Vernissage Fritz Spielmann Exhibit 'The Boogie-Woogie Johann Strauß'
With former Major of the City of Vienna Helmut Zilk, Gerhard Bronner, Peter Marboe, introduction: Heinz Lunzer and Moshe H. Jahoda

Tuesday March 24, 1998, 7.30 p.m.
ORF RadioKulturhaus, Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Wien
Fritz Spielmann Festival of the Orpheus Trust 'Spring Came Back to Vienna'
The Metamagic of Fritz Spielmann
Reflexions of eight Austrian Composers on Fritz Spielmann and his music. The Janus Ensemble, conducted by Oskar Aichinger and Christoph Cech, premieres eight compositions by Oskar Aichinger, Christoph Cech, Heinz Ditsch, Harald Koelbl, Franz Koglmann, Klaus Peham, Paul Skrepek, Hans Steiner. Voice: Margarete Jungen.

Thursday March 26, 1998
Oberstufen-Realgymnasium für Studierende der Musik, 1070 Wien
Fritz Spielmann Festival of the Orpheus Trust 'Spring Came Back to Vienna'
Roundtable and Discussion with Contemporary Witness
Moshe H. Jahoda in conversation with Thomas Gayda on Fritz Spielmann and the Expulsion of Musicians from Austria. Moderation: Professor Manfred Hörzinger

Monday March 30, 1998, 7.30 p.m.
ORF Radio Café, Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Wien
Fritz Spielmann Festival des Orpheus Trust 'Spring Came Back to Vienna'
Audio-Exhibit 'Aus Fritz Spielmanns Plattenschrank'
Wolfgang Kos (ORF) present recordings on schellack from the musical estate of Fritz Spielmann. Talk with Heinz Lunzer und Thomas Gayda.

Tuesday April 1st, 1998, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Wien
Fritz Spielmann Festival des Orpheus Trust 'Spring Came Back to Vienna'
Roundtable: 'You won't forget me'
Discussion with Vienna's city councillor for culture Peter Marboe, Roger Salander, Primavera Gruber. Moderation Heinz Lunzer

Thursday April 23, 1998, 7.30 p.m.
Aktionsradius Augarten, Gaußplatz 11, 1200 Wien
Series 'The Lost Mazzesinsel'
Franz Mittler: Jazzy piano pieces, Lieder and Spoonerisms
Diana Mittler-Battipaglia, Klavier (USA), Enikö Butkai, Stimme. Konrad Rennert reads Mittler's Spoonerisms

Friday April 24, 1998, 7.30 p.m.
Herbert von Karajan Centrum, Kärntner Ring 4, 1010 Vienna
Lecture Concert
Franz Mittler -Portrait of the Composer
Chamber music by Franz Mittler with Diana Mittler-Battipaglia, piano (New York), Paul Roschek, violin (Wien), André Emelianoff, violoncello (New York) and the Pro Arte Quartett (Salzburg)

Wednesday April 29, 1998
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Wien
Fritz Spielmann Festival of the Orpheus Trust 'Spring Came Back to Vienna'
'Der kleine Spielmann aus Wien der bin i'
Lecture Thomas Gayda with slides and original recordings from the musical estate of Fritz Spielmann

Thursday May 14, 1998, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Wien
Fritz Spielmann Festival des Orpheus Trust 'Spring Came Back to Vienna'
Love letters into the Unknown
Susanne Russouw (Scriptwriter Fritz Spielmann Gala) reads Love letters from Mary Blakey, Vienna, to Fritz Spielmann, Paris, 1938-39.

Wednesday May 27, 1998, 6 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Wien
International Conference
'Transmission of Persecuted and Forgotten Music to the Public'
With Habakuk Traber (Musica reanimata Berlin), Harald Quendler (Extraplatte Vienna), Werner Herbers (Ebony Band Amsterdam), Michael Wimmer (ÖKS Vienna). Moderation: Reinhard Kapp

Thursday May 28 - Saturday May 30, 1998
Insitut für Volksmusikforschung der Musikuniversität Wien, Ungargasse 14, 1030 Wien
Seminar Klezmermusik in cooperation with Varwe Musica
Seminar and workshop
With Isaak Loberan, Leopold Kozlowski (Poland) and Joshua Horovwitz (Graz)

Wednesday June 25, 1998, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Wien
Lecture Series 'Music in Exile'
Reinhard Kapp: Schoenberg and his Pupils
Roger Salander, clarinet, plays works by H.E. Apostel

Thursday September 17, 7.30 p.m.
Herbert von Karajan Centrum, Kärntner Ring 4, 1010 Wien
Concert Series 'Hommage to ...'
Hommage à Pierrot lunaire
Arnold Schönberg: Pierrot lunaire, op. 21, and compositions by Richard Hoffmann, William Kraft and Leonard Rosenman after poems by Albert Giraud.
Performing: Septensemble, conducted by Gregory Doyle

Wednesday September 1998, 7 p.m.
Stift Heiligenkreuz, Lower Austria
Heiligenkreuzer Herbst
Concert Altenberg Trio with sylvia Greenberg, soprano
Werke von Egon Wellesz, Friedrich Wildgans, Vally Weigl, Stefan Wolpe, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

Thursday October 1st, 1998, 6 p.m.
Tent in the Neudeggergasse, 1080 Vienna
Project Verlorene Nachbarschaft
Opening Ceremony
At the Opening Ceremony of the project 'Verlorene Nachbarschaft' (Lost Neighbourhood) Oberkantor Shmuel Barzilai (Vienna City Synagogue) performs a composition by Oberkantor Zewulon Kwartin, which he wrote for the Grand Opening of this Elisabeth-Synagogue in the Neudeggergasse. At the end of the ceremony Lena Rothstein sings 'Rosinkes mit Mandeln' in a special version in three languages by Jimmy Berg.
Primavera Gruber did research on exiled musicians from Vienna's 7th and 8th district for the neighbourhood project \'Verlorene Nachbarschaft\' around the 'Elisabeth-Tempel' in the Neudeggergasse, Vienna, which was destroyed during nazisme. She designed and organized the music programme for this project.

October 1- November 9, 1998
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Project 'Verlorene Nachbarschaft (Lost Neighbourhood)'
Exposition at the Austrian Nationa Library
Orpheus Trust presents objects on music exile (Jimmy Berg, Fritz Spielmann, Alexander Zemlinsky) in a showcase exposition

Wednesday October 7 - November 29, 1998
Musikverein Wien
Exhibit Musik:Wissenschaft:Wien. 100 Years Institute for Musicology, University of Vienna
Showcase on Music Exile with object on Fritz Spielmann and Paul Josef Frankl

Monday October 12 - Wednesday October 14, 1998, 11a.m.-1 a.m. and 2-5 p.m.
Institut für Volksmusikforschung, University of Music and performing Arts Vienna
Seminar Klezmer Music in Cooperation with Varwe Musica
Seminar and workshop
Conducted by Isaak Loberan und Yoshua Horowitz. Special Guest: Giora Feldman

Wednesday October 14, 1998, 7 p.m.
Schubert's Birth House, Nussdorfersstrasse 54, 1090 Vienna
Fritz Spielmann Festival of the Orpheus Trust 'Spring Came Back to Vienna'
'The Boogie-Woogie Johann Strauß'
Thomas Gayda: Musical lecture

Wednesday October 15, 1998, 4.30 p.m.
Hotel IBIS, Mariahilfer Gürtel 22-24, 1060 Wien
Conference 1938 - 1998 Refuge - Migration - Shelter (BMUK)
Lecture: 'Fritz Spielmann ( and other musicians) in Exile'

Sunday October 18, 7 p.m.
Zelt in der Neudeggergasse, 1080 Wien
Project 'Verlorene Nachbarschaft' (Lost Neighbourhood)
'Was suchst du noch, du bist hier fremd ...'
Lieder, Chansons and texts by Jura Soyfer and Jimmy Berg, sung by Lena Rothstein. With Krzystof Dobrek, accordeon, and Aliosha Biz, violin. Buch: Lena Rothstein, Idea: Primavera Gruber

Tuesday October 1998, 7 p.m.
Zelt in der Neudeggergasse, 1080 Wien
Project 'Verlorene Nachbarschaft (Lost Neighbourhood)
Cantor's Concert
Oberkantor Shmuel Barzilai with compositions by Kantor Zewulon Kwartin and others. Piano: Andrei Roth. Moderation: Akiva Zimmerman, Tel Aviv

Wednesday October 21, 1998, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture Series 'Music in Exile'
Lecture Akiva Zimmerman (Tel-Aviv): Cantor Zewulon Kwartin and his Vienna colleagues

Sunday October 25, 1998, 6 p.m.
Wiener Konzerthaus, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Vienna
Intruductory Lecture to Recital Matthias Goerne: Hanns Eisler: Hollywood Songbook
Albrecht Dümling (Berlin)
Hanns Eisler: Hollwood Liederbuchon

Tuesday October 27, 1998, 7 p.m.
Tent in the Neudeggergasse, 1080 Vienna
Project 'Lost Neighbourhood'
Remembrance Ceremony
Eric Zeisl: Requiem Ebraico (Austrian Premiere)
Kantoralensemble Wien, Conductor Rami Langer. Organ Anton Holzapfel.
Anat Efraty, Soprano, Edna Prochnik, Alt, Boaz Daniel, Bariton

Wednesday November 25, 1998, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture Series 'Music in Exile'
Peri Arndt (Hamburg): Looking for Traces in the Work of Female Jewish Composers in Exile. A Research

Thursday December 10, 1998, 6 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Opening of the Exposition of the Academy of the Arts Berlin
To Hanns Eisler at his 100th Birthday
Rondtable discussion on Hanns Eisler in Vienna 1948-49 with Brigitte Ratz, Vienna, Maren Köster and Peter Schweinhardt, Berlin. Moderation: Reinhard Kapp.

Friday December 11, 1998 - Wednesday Febraury 10, 1998, Mo-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
'Hanns Eisler 100. Birthday'
Exposition of the Academy of the Arts Berlin
"'s wird dem Himmel Höllenangst werden". In Cooperation with Orpheus Trust and Literaturhaus Wien



Hermann Leopoldi




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