Welcome to the website of Orpheus Trust in Austria (1996-2006). Its successors' plattform is orpheus.news


Public Performances and Co-Productions

| 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2008 | 2011 |

Tuesday January 12 1999, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Programme accompanying the exposition 'Hanns Eisler at his 100. Birthday'
Concert with Music by Hanns Eisler
("Ask less about Brecht - hear more from Eisler". Claus-Christian Schuster, piano, Christian Altenburger, violin, viola; Andreas Lebeda, bariton. Moderation: Gerhard Scheit.

Wednesday January 13, 1999, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Programme accompanying the Exposition 'Hanns Eisler at his 100. Birthday'
Round Table Discussion 'Hanns Eisler in Hollwood'
With Samples from Film and Music. Speakers: Thomas Phleps, University of Gießen, and Horst Weber, Folkwang - Hochschule Essen

Wednesday February 3 1999, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Programme accompanying the Exposition 'Hanns Eisler at his 100. Birthday'
Movie screening (video)
'Kuhle Wampe oder wem gehört die Welt' (Regie: Slatow Dudow) and 'Nuit et Brouillard' (Regie: Alain Resnais) with Hanns Eislers music.

Wednesday February 10 1999, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Programme accompanying the Exposition 'Hanns Eisler at his 100. Birthday'
Finissage and Round Table Discussion
'The Blind Spot? Jewishness and the Shoah for Eisler and Dessau. Lectures by Peter Petersen, Institut of Musicology, University Hamburg and Gerhard Scheit, freelance researcher and author, Vienna

Saturday April 24, 1999
Literaturhaus Berlin
General assembly of 'musica reanimate e.V.'
Lecture Primavera Gruber
on invitation of the German 'sister society' musica reanimate on the Orpheus Trust in Austria, founded and directed by Primavera Gruber.

Wednesday April 28 1999, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture Series: 'Music in Exile'
Lecture 'Persecuted and Forgotten Music'
Primavera Gruber and Regina Thumser report on their Research Project 1998. In Cooperation with the Österreichisch-Israelischen Gesellschaft. Moderation: Jürg Stenzl, Institut of Musicology, University of Salzburg.

Monday May 17 1999, 6 p.m.
Wiener Konzerthaus, Schönberg Saal, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Vienna
Book Presentation
Christoph Becher: Die Variantentechnik Alexander Zemlinskys
Introduction: Reinhard Kapp. Ursula Fiedler sings Alexander Zemlinsky: 'Irmelin Rose und andere Gesänge' op. 7, with Eva Mark-Mühlher at the piano. In Cooperation with Boehlag Verlag Wien and Wiener Konzerthaus.

Friday June 4 1999, 2 p.m.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Musik, Hanuschgasse 3, 1010 Vienna
International Johann Strauss-Congress Vienna
Lecture Primavera Gruber: On the Merits for the Heritage of Johann Strauss
by Austrian musicians, forced into exile. Walter Pass, Institute of Musicology, University of Vienna and President of the Board of the Orpheus Trust as a member of the organization team also invited Moshe H. Jahoda to address the members of the congress and speak a few words on exile.

Wednesday June 9 1999, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Vortragsreihe: 'Music in Exile'
Lecture Rami Langer, Vienna
The impact of Synagogual Music on Jewish Folk Music

Saturday September 25, 1999, 7 p.m.
Stift Heiligenkreuz, Lower Austria
Festival Heiligenkreuzer Herbst
Memorial Concert on the Occassion of the 50th Anniversary of Karl Weigl's Passing Away
Artis Quartett Vienna and Sylvia Greenberg, soprano, perform music by Karl Weigl

Saturday October 2, Sunday October 3, 1999, 8 p.m.
AREA, Gonzagagasse 11, 1010 Wien
Lena Rothstein in Concert
"Was suchst du noch, du bist hier fremd ..."
A musical evening around Jimmy Berg. With Bertl Maier jr., mouth organ, Heimo Trixner, guitar and Christoph Petschina, double bass. Script and voice: Lena Rothstein. In Cooperation with AREA.

From Friday November 5 1999 on
Filmcasino Wien, Margaretenstraße 78, 1050 Vienna
Movie Screening
'Lifelong Goodbye' . Film by Kaethe Kratz (A 1999)
on the Neighbourhood Project 'Verlorene Nachbarschaft' (Lost Neighbourhood) with live music by Alexander Zemlinsky and Eric Zeisl from the programmes of the Orpheus Trust

Friday November 23 1999, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Anton von Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna
Karl Weigl Special on the Occasion of the 50. Anniversary of Karl Weigl's Passing Away
Workshop: The String Quartets of Karl Weigl
A Workshop by the Artis Quartett, Vienna in Cooperation with orpheus Trust and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

Tuesday November 23 1999, 7 p.m.
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Concert hall Rennweg, 1030 Vienna
Karl Weigl Special on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of his Passing Away
Workshop Recital with Lieder and Piano Music by Karl Weigl
Students of the classes of Maria Bayer, Ursula Hofricher, Peter Tunhart and Guests perform Music by Karl Weigl. Concept and Moderation: Christian Glanz, Institut für Analyse, Theorie und Geschiochte der Musik of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. In Cooperation with Institute of Music Education

Wednesday November 24, 1999
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture Series: Music in Exile' / Karl Weigl Special
Lecture Gerlinde Illich
Karl Weigl. Life, Work and Success of a Viennese Composer before and after his Escape.

Thursday November 25, 1999, 10.30 a.m.
Joseph Haydn-Konservatorium Eisenstadt
Karl Weigl Special on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of his Passing Away
Workshop String Quartets Karl Weigl
Workshop by the Artis Quartett, Vienna, with Karl Weigl's String Quartets. In Cooperation with Orpheus Trust and Joseph Haydn-Konservatorium Eisenstadt

Saturday November 27, 1999, 7 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Erich Fried-Tage
Concert Lena Rothstein
"Was suchst du noch, du bist hier fremd ..." A Musical Evening about and around Jimmy Berg. With Bertl Maier jun., mound organ, Heime Trixner, guitar, Christoph Petschina, double bass. Script and voice und Stimme: Lena Rotstein. In Cooperation with the International Erich Fried-Society and Literaturhaus Wien.

Friday November 30, 1999, 7.30 p.m.
Kuturzentrum Oberschützen, Kammermusiksaal
Karl Weigl Special on the Occasion of the 50. Anniversary of his Passing Away
Lecture Concert 'Music of the Expelled - Composer's Portrait Karl Weigl
Artis Quartett and Gerlinde Illich, soprano, perform music by Karl Weigl. Gerlinde Illich: Introduction to Karl Weigl. In Cooperation with Kulturvereinigung Oberschützen.

Tuesday November 30, 1999, 2 p.m.
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Expositur Oberschützen
Karl Weigl Special on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of his Passing Away
Workshop String Quartets Karl Weigl
Workshop of the Artis Quartett, Vienna with String Quartets by Karl Weigl. In Cooperation with Orpheus Trust and the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.

Wednesday December 1, 1999, 7.30 p.m.
Haus der Begegnung Wien-Leopoldstadt, Praterstern 1, 1020 Wien
in cooperation with Jüdisches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung
Fritz Spielmann- Live in Songs
The 'Golden Stars' with their programm of the Fritz Spielmann Gala 1998. Special Guests: Gerhard Bronner, piano and voice, Roger Salander, clarinet

Tuesday December 14 1999, 7.30 p.m.
Wiener Konzerthaus, Mozart Saal, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Wien
A Celebration of Norbert Brainin
Chamber Music Concert
On the occasion of Norbert Brainins decoration with the Gold Medal of the Land Vienna (initiated by the Orpheus Trust), Lidia Baich, violin, Till Fellner, piano, Veronika Hagen, viola, Julian Rachlin, violin, Juri Smirno, piano and the Hugo Wolf Quartett honour Norbert Brainin with their performance. The concert, organized by the Orpheus Trust, is open to the public, and is realized in cooperation with Wiener Konzerthaus, Austrian Society for String Quartet and Jewish Welcome Service.



Lotte Lehmann




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