Welcome to the website of Orpheus Trust in Austria (1996-2006). Its successors' plattform is orpheus.news


Public Performances and Co-Productions

| 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2008 | 2011 |

Wednesday February 23 2000, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
'Herbert Zipper. Composer of the Dachau-Song'
Film by Peter Vujica, Camera: Volker Otte, Editing: Gudrun Pichler. Introduction: Peter Vujica

Saturday February 26 2000, 7 p.m.
Parish Center St. Erhard, Endresstraße 117, 1230 Wien
Annual Carnival Concert
Joseph Horovitz: Captain Noah and his Flaoting Zoo. Cantata (1970)
Parish Choir St. Erhard, Conductor: Ulf-Diether Soyka

Thursday March 16 2000, 7.30 p..m.
Arnold Schoenberg Center, Palais Fanto, Schwarzenbergplatz 6, 1030 Vienna
Accompanying programm of the Exhibition 'Schoenberg, Kandinsky, Blauer Reiter and Russian Avantgard
Concert and Performance
Wassily Kandinsky: Violett, Recitation Rolf Boysen. Philip Herschkowitz: Frühlingsblumen. Klavierstücke. Piano: Till A. Körber. Cooperation of the Arnold Schoenberg Center with the Orpheus Trust

Saturday March 25 - April 27 2000
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Exhibition by the Österreichischen Exilbibliothek
'Exile in Austria 1933-1938'
Exhibition of the Österreichische Exilbibliothek (Austrian Exile Library), general coordination: Ursula Seeber. Primavera Gruber arranges for the Orpheus Trust a showcase display with objects on the Comedian/ Comedy Harmonists and opera singer Arthur Fleischer in their 'transit station' Austria.

Wednesday March 29 2000, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Roundtable discussion
Exile Studies in Music and their Areas of Implementation in Austria
First Attempt of an Inventory. With Christian Glanz, Primavera Gruber, Reinhard Kapp, Hartmut Krones, Gerhard Scheit, Dr. Andrea Amort. Moderation: Oliver Rathkolb

Wednesday April 26 2000, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture Series 'Music in Exile'
Lecture Andrea Amort
Dancer and Choreographer Andrei Jerschik. Lecture with extracts, danced by Rosemarie Breuss and Harmen Tromp

Tuesday May 23 2000, 6 p.m.
District Museum Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Vienna
District Festival Weeks, Vienna 7th District
Opening of the District Festival Weeks and Opening of the Exhibition
'Exiled and Persecuted Musicians in Vienna's 7th District.' By way of examples: Karl Farkas, Georg Kreisler, Julius Rudel, Louis Treumann. Sandra Kreisler performs chansons of her father Georg Kreisler. At the piano: Jochem Hochstenbach. Exhibition curtaor Heinz Jankowsky, with support and materials of the Orpheus Trust.

Wednesday May 24 2000, 8 p.m.
Meeting point: Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Wien
Lecture Series 'Music in Exile'
Persecuted and Exiled Musicians and their Environment in Vienna's 7th District
Guided Evening Walk through Vienna's 7th District with Dr. Avshalom Hodik, General Secretary of theJewish Community Vienna and Primavera Gruber. In cooperation with Bezirksfestwochen Wien Neubau.

Wednesday June 28 2000, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus Wien, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture Series 'Music in Exile'
Lectures and Round Table Discussion: Kurt Weil and Lotte Lenya - Life and Work
by and with David Drew (Boosey & Hawkes, Music Today-EMI), Christian Glanz, Hartmut Krones, Jürgen Schebera (Biography of Kurt Weill, Berlin), Gerhard Scheit. Moderation: Irene Suchy

Sonntag 10. bis Dienstag 12. September 2000, 8 p.m.
Odeon, Taborstraße 10, 1020 Wien
'Der Kaiser von Atlantis oder der Tod dankt ab'
Opera by Viktor Ullmann and Peter Kien
Staging: Kurt Ockermüller, Music Director: Thomas Kerbl. Ensemble Sonare Linz, Solo voices: Daniel Ohlenschläger, Reinhard Mayr, Michael Wagner, Michael Nowak, Lajos Szantho .
Fundraising for Mauthausen Aktiv and Orpheus Trust, in cooperation with the Jewish Community Vienna and Verein Mauthausen Aktiv Österreich.

Tuesday September 26 2000, 8 p.m.
Metropol, Hernalser Hauptstraße 55, 1170 Wien
Joshua Horowitz, Ensemble 'Budowitz'
Concert and CD presentation
'Budowitz - wedding without a bride' (Extraplatte)

Tuesday October 10 2000, 9.00 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Filmhaus, Stiftgasse 6, 1070 Vienna
'Verspielte Musik' (Lost Music)
Educational Day for Teachers
Lectures and workshops on film, music and cabaret by persecuted and exiled artists, and on Hans Krása's opera for childeren 'Brundibár'. With Christian Baier, Primavera Gruber, Winfried Schneider and contemporary witness Greta Klingsberg (born in Vienna Wien, living in Jerusalem, as a child 'Aninka' in 'Brundibár' in Terezín).
Educational programme by the öks in cooperation with Orpheus Trust.

Tuesday October 19 2000, 7.30 p.m.
ORF RadioKulturhaus, Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Vienna
Jazz Performance
Ruth Weiss
Ruth weiss, voice, with Friedrich Legerer, saxophone, Gerhard Graml, double bass, Stephan Brodsky, percussion
Eintrittspreise Vorverkauf öS 180,--, Abendkasse öS 210,--/Studenten
öS 105,--. Kartenreservierung Tel. 501 70 377. Production of ORF RadioKulturhaus in cooperation with Helene Pold and the Orpheus Trust.

Monday October 30 2000, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture Series 'Music in Exile'
CD Presentation 'die spielmannlieder', Janus Ensemble, conductor Christoph Cech (Extraplatte)
Introduction: Klaus Peham. Musical Improvisation on music by Fritz Spielmann by Oskar Aichinger. Roundtable: 'Das Lied vom armen Spielmann?' (The Song of the Poor Gleeman?) with composers Christoph Cech, Renald Deppe and Dieter Kaufmann, with Bernhard Denscher (MA 7, City of Vienna Culture Department), Peter Schneeberger (profil) und Primavera Gruber (Orpheus Trust). Moderation: Peter Rantasa (mica)
Kleines Buffet, Eintritt frei

Sunday November 5 2000, 7 p.m.
Palais Schönborn, Renngasse 4, 1010 Vienna
Ensemble 'Gebirtig'
'from the Ringstrasse to 72nd Street'
An evening with music by persecuted and exiled composers (Jimmy Berg, Fritz Spielmann a.o.) on the occasion of the Remembrance Week 'Mechaye Hametim' by the KAV in memory of the Vienna November pogroms.

Friday November 10 2000, 7.30 p.m.
Galerie Buch & Wein, Schäffergasse 13a, 1040 Vienna
'Wenn ihr lachen wollt ...' (When you want to laugh ...)
Georg Kreisler reads from his new book


Tuesday November 2000, 7.30 p.m.
Joseph Haydn-Konservatorium Eisenstadt - Concert hall
Menachem Breuer, Geige und Marialena Fernandes, Klavier
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sonate für Violine und Klavier KV 454,B-Dur
Paul Ben-Haim: Sonate für Violine solo
Robert Schumann: Sonate für Violine und Klavier, op. 105, a-moll
Menachem Breuer, born in Eisenstadt, lives in Tel-Aviv and has been 1st Concertmaster of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra for many years

Wednesday November 15 2000, 10.00 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Joseph Haydn-Konservatorium Eisenstadt
Masterclass for violin students of the Joseph Haydn-Konservatoriums Eisenstadt
with Menachem Breuer, Tel-Aviv
born Eisenstadt, lives in Tel-Aviv, until 1999 Concertmaster of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, today active as violin soloist, chamber musician (Israel Piano Trio) and teacher. Open to the public.

Freitag 8. Dezember 2000, 19.00 Uhr
Synagoge Graz, David Herzog-Platz 1, Graz
Concert Alei Gefen Chorus Tel-Aviv
Conductor Eli Gefen, Soloist: Richard Ames, baritone
Eli Gefen, born 1923 in Vienna as the son of Obercantor David Grosz (Synagogue Währing), lives in Tel-Aviv today. he performs with his Alei Gefen Chorus music by Louis Lewandowsky, Felix Mendelssohn, Paul Ben-Haim, his father David Grosz a.o.

Sunday December 10 2000, 8 p.m.
Mariahilfer Kirche, Mariahilferplatz 3, Graz
Concert Alei Gefen Chorus Tel-Aviv
Conductor Eli Gefen, Soloist Richard Ames, baritone
Eli Gefen, born 1923 in Vienna as the son of Obercantor David Grosz, lives in Tel-Aviv today. He performs with his Alei Gefen Chorus music by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Lewandowsky, Puccini, Ben-Chaim, David Grosz a..o.

Monday December 11 2000, 7 p.m.
Parish St. Josef ('Karmeliterkirche), 1020 Wien, Karmeliterplatz/Taborstraße
Chorkonzert Alei Gefen Chorus Tel-Aviv
Conductor: Eli Gefen, Solist: Richard Ames, baritone
Eli Gefen, born 1923 in Vienna as the son of Cantor David Grosz, lives in Tel-Aviv.
The Alei Gefen Chorus will perform music by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Lewandowsky, Puccini, David Grosz a.o.



Hermann Leopoldi




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