Welcome to the website of Orpheus Trust in Austria (1996-2006). Its successors' plattform is orpheus.news


Public Performances and Co-Productions

| 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2008 | 2011 |

Monday Januar 14 2002, 7.30 p.m.
Haus der Musik, Seilerstätte 30, 1010 Vienna
'Mit leichtem Gepäck' (Travelling lightly). Gerhard Bronner presents rising stars with forgotten m
Ernst Schoen - Wien, Kuala Lumpur, New York.
Stations in life from opera to jazz, from chamber music to Wienerlied.
Music byRalph Benatzky, Ralph Erwin, Robert Katscher, Franz Schubert, Fritz Spielmann a.o.
Mitwirkende: Das Salonorchester Alhambra mit Hans Daffke, Boris Eder, Volker Morelli, Markus Werba.
Concert Series of the Orpheus Trust, in cooperation with Haus der Musik. Idea: Primavera Gruber; Programme: Primavera Gruber and Gerhard Bronner.

Thursday January 24 2002, 7.30 p.m.
ORF RadioKulturhaus, Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Vienna
'Ein Fest mit Flügeln' - Piano Festival
Premiere of the 'Piano Concerto for the left Hand' (1924)' by Karl Weigl
Florian Krumpöck, Piano, performs Karl Weigl's 'Piano Concerto for the left Hand', composed for Paul Wittgenstein, with the Radio Symphonieorchester Wien. Conductor: Horia Andreescu. Moderation: Irene Suchy.
On Initiative and with support of the Orpheus Trust

Wednesday February 20 2002, 8 p.m.
Literaturhaus, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna
Lecture Series 'Music in Exile'
Movie screening: Ein Stern fällt - Die Joseph Schmidt Story'. (A film by Helene Maimann).
Introduction: Helene Maimann,
For members of the Orpheus Trust.
Membership EUR 15,-- / Students 7,50)

Saturday April 6, 7.30 p.m.
Haus der Musik, Seilerstätte 30, 1010 Vienna
MIT LEICHTEM GEPÄCK (TRAVELLING LIGHTLY). Gerhard Bronner presents rising stars with forgotten music
Prague between the lines. A mix of light and serious music and literature
Jaromir Weinberger - Une Cantilène Jalouse
Drei Stücke aus: Böhmische Lieder und Tänze
Lidia Baich, Violine und Christoph Berner, Klavier
Hans Krása - Thema mit Variationen
Erwin Schulhoff - aus den 'Fünf Stücke für Streichquartett'
Hugo Wolf Quartett
Max Brod - La Mediterranée
Erwin Schulhoff - Cinq études de Jazz
Christoph Berner, Klavier
Gerhard Bronner plays the piano, sings and reads Hermann Leopoldi, Rudolf Friml, Friedrich Torberg and whatever gets to his mind.

2002 May 14 - June 15
1070 Vienna
A sound-installation in Vienna's 7th district
Elkan Bauer - Felix Karl Bauer - Alfred Bild - Mathilde Borgenicht - Hugo Breuer - Julius Buchwald -Adalbert Delmar - Otto Eisler - Karl Farkas - Arthur Fleischer - Isy Geiger - Mimi Grossberg - Frida Grün - Igo Guttman - Melitta Heim - Robert Heller - Jenny Hirschl - Hans Holewa - Julius Isserlis - Georg Isserlis - Alice Jelinek - Zdenko Kestranek - Ricarda Klausner - Karl Koller - Erich Wolfgang Korngold - Hanns Robert Korngold - Emil Korolanyi - Leopold Krauss-Elka - Georg Kreisler - Berta Lamberg - Rudolf Lampl - Fritz Lilienthal - Kurt Loebel - Erwin Marcus - Thomas Martin - Karl Neumann - Max Pfeffer - Margarethe Philipsky - Beate Popperwell - Joseph Porath - Ferdinand Rebay - Abraham Osias Reich - Leo Rosenek - Julius Rudel - Blanca Schlamm - Emanuel Schulhof - Rudolf Schwarz - Maria Schwarz - Koppensteiner - Selma Stampfer - Julius Stein - Pauline Steiner - Louis Treumann - Leo Wulwek-Volé - Bruno Walter - Karoline Wassertrüdinger - Olga Weiss - Arthur Willner

Tuesday May 14 2002, 7.00 p.m.
Museumsquartier, Inner Court, 1070 Vienna
Opening concert of the sound-installation 'Orpheus.Klangwege'
Symphonieorchester der Wiener Volksoper, conductor Julius Rudel
Erich Wolfgang Korngold - Viel Lärmen um Nichts, Suite op. 11
Arthur Willner - Concerto für Streichorchester
Elkan Bauer - Diana-Walzer
Emil Korolanyi - La Regina. Valse Italienne
J. Strauß - Donauwalzer

Mag. Hannah Lessing, Generalsekretärin Nationalfonds der Republik Österreich
Dr. Ariel Muzicant, Präsident der IKG
Mag. Thomas Blimlinger, Bezirksvorsteher Wien-Neubau
Moderation: Sandra Kreisler

Wednesday 2002, May 15, 5.45 p.m.
Meeting Point: MICA, Stiftgasse 29, 1070 Wien
Guided walking tour
Guided by Beate Henneberg.
The walk will take about an hour.
No reservations; fee EUR 12,--/student fee, senior fee: EUR 6,--

Wednesday May 15 2002 - today
A virtual exhibiition
A virtual exhibition accompaning the sound-installation 'Orpheus.Klangwege' with music fragments, pictures, additional information on the artists, on the project itself and the events surrounding the sound-installation. See also Link on the left red frame of this website.

Wednesday 2002 May 22nd, 5.45 p.m.
Meeting Point MICA, Stiftgasse 29, 1070 Vienna
Guided walking tour
Guided by Beate Hennenberg
The walk will take about an hour
Fee to be paid directly EUR 12,--/Student fee, senior fee EUR 6,--

Wednesday 2002, May 29, 5.45 p.m.
Meeting point MICA, Stiftgasse 29, 1070 Vienna
Guided walking tour
Guided by Beate Hennenberg
The walk will take about an hour.
Fee directly paid EUR 12,--/ senior, student fee EUR 6,--

2002 Saturday June 1/Sunday June 2, 7.30 p.m.
Antiquariat Buch & Wein, Schäffergasse 13a, 1040 Vienna
Georg Kreisler reads from his newest books
In cooperation with Antiquariat Buch & Wein
Ticket price: EUR 10,--
Ticket reservation: Tel. 01/9619553 or office@buchundwein.at

Wednesday 2002 June 5th, 5.45 p.m.
Meeting point MICA, Stiftgasse 29, 1070 Vienna
Guided walking tour
Guided by Beate Hennenberg
The walk will take about an hour.
Fee to be paid directly EUR 12,--/student, senior fee EUR 6,--

2002 Saturday June 8, 7.00 -12.p.m.
Starting point: MICA Stiftgasse 29, 1070 Vienna
A walk around 10 places with live-music in Vienna's 7th district.
Opening: MICA, Stiftgasse 29, 7.00 p.m.: Patricia Kopatschinskaja, violin
Italienische Weinstube, Spittelberggasse 3, 7.30 p.m.: Gojim
Café-Konditorei Blocher, Lindengasse 2, 8.00 p.m.: Andreas Sauerzapf/Thomas Malik with approgramm inspired by Karl Farkas
Burgcafé, Burggasse 28-32, 8.00 p.m.: Erich Zib, accordeon/ Doina Fischer, violin
Café Journal, Kaiserstraße 56, 8.30 p.m.: Eva Oskera, voice/Herbert Bäum, accordeon 'Wienerisch Exklusiv'
Restaurant Impressione, Lerchenfelderstraße 13, 9.00 p.m: Leonore Aumaier, piano.
Käuzchen, Gardegasse 8, 9.30 p.m.: Sandra Kreisler, voice/Jochen Hochstenbach, piano
Blue Box, Richtergasse 8, 22.00 Uhr: Klaus Filip, computer
Café Volkstheater, Neustiftgasse 4, 10.00 p.m.: Ursula Widmer, voice, Christo Stanischeff, piano
Café-Restaurant Skala, Neubaugasse 8, 11.00 p.m.: Otto Lechner, Accordeon
Café Westend, Mariahilfer Straße 128, 11.00 p.m.: Das Salonorchester Alhambra
In cooperation with the 'Lange Nacht der Musik' (ORF)

Monday June 10th 2002, 7.00 p.m.
Amtshaus Wien Neubau, Hermanngasse 24-26, 1070 Vienna
Memorial event for the former Bethaus Schottenfeldgasse 60
Oberkantor Shmuel Barzilai sings, Andrej Roth at the piano
BV Mag. Thomas Blimlinger and Florian Wenninger, SJ Wien will speak about the history of this small prayer-house and the planned installation of a memorial plaquette.

Wednesday 2002 June 12th, 5.45 p.m.
Meeting point MICA, Stiftgasse 29, 1070 Vienna
Guided walking tour
Guided by Beate Hennenberg
The walk will take about an hour
Fee to be paid directly EUR 12,--/ student, senior fee EUR 6,--

Samstag 15. Juni 2002, 20.00 Uhr
Kunsthalle Wien, halle 2, Museumsquartier 1070 Vienna
Klangforum Wien, conductor Sylvain Cambreling
Anton Webern - Sechs Stücke für Orchester, op.6
Fünf geistliche Lieder op. 15
Arnold Schönberg - Drei kleine Orchesterstücke
Hans Holewa - Concertino Nr. 4
Concertino Nr. 9
Wolfgang Suppan - Zerbrochene Klänge

2002 October 9th - 12th
Joseph Haydn Konservatorium Eisenstadt, Saal
Musik der Juden im Burgenland
Vorträge von Mag.Johannes Reiss, Univ.Prof.Dr. Philip V. Bohlman, Susanne Winkler-Klement, Dr. Gerda Lechleitner, Dr. Ludwig Popper, Dr. Thomas Dombrowski, MMag. Markus Prenner, Andor Iszák, Dr. Gerhard Winkler u.a.
sowie Workshops und moderierte Konzerte.
2002 October 10th, ca. 14.15 Uhr, Vortrag Dr. Primavera Gruber: Vom Kantor bis zum Konzertmeister oder von Baruch Taube bis Menachem Breuer. Vom NS - Regime verfolgte jüdische Musikschaffende aus dem Burgenland am Beispiel ausgewählter Lebensgeschichten und Tonbeispiele.

Tuesday October 15th 2002, 8.15 p.m.
Schottenstift, Freyung 6, 1010 Vienna
organ-recital with Roman Summereder
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Sonata in f-minor op. 65/1
Egon Wellesz: Fantasia from op. 96
Ernst Krenek: Sonata op. 91/1
Karol Rathaus: Präludium and Toccata op. 31
Arnold Schönberg: Variations on a Recitative op. 40

2002 november 1st - 3rd
Oberstufen - Kolleg der Universität Bielefeld
12th meeting of the AG Frauen im Exil of the Gesellschaft für Exilforschung
Echolos ? Klangwelten verfolgter Musikerinnen in der NS - Zeit
Lectures by PD Dr. Inge Hansen-Schaberg, Prof. Dr. Claudia Maurer-Zenck, Peri Arndt, Constanze Holze, Dr. Gabriele Knapp, Volker Kühn, Dr. Maria Kublitz-Kramer, Dr. Barbara von der Lühe, Willem de Vries,Dr. Anna-Christine Rhode - Jüchtern, MA PhD Charmian Brinson, Dr. Maren Köster, Dr. Babette Dorn.
Concerts, cabaret and discussion.
2002 November 2nd, 17.15 Uhr, Dr. Primavera Gruber: Ein Leben mit Musik. Berufswünsche und -wege nach der Shoah am Beispiel von Greta Klingsberg.

Thursday, december 5th, 2002, 7.00 p.m.
Orpheus Trust, Sigmundsgasse 11/3, 1070 Wien
ALLES GUTE. EIN UMGANG. Stop & Go through Vienna's 7th district
Spielmann's Christmas
At one of the stops of 'Alles Gute. Ein Umgang - 11 cultural mini-presentations in Vienna's 7th district - 'before-christmas-punch-pool' the Orpheus Trust presents songs by Fred/Fritz Spielmann, sung by Agnes Palmisano, as well as the prosaic birthplace of its many events: the small office, where everything starts. A very special place in a special district!



Erika Fox




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