Welcome to the website of Orpheus Trust in Austria (1996-2006). Its successors' plattform is orpheus.news


Public Performances and Co-Productions

| 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2008 | 2011 |

Monday, february 10th, 08.00 p.m.
Literaturhaus, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Wien
Music in exile: Duo Nova plays works for violin and guitar by Ferdinand Rebay
for members only

Wednesday, february 26th, 2003, 7.30 p.m.
ORF RadioKulturhaus, Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Wien
MIT LEICHTEM GEPÄCK. Gerhard Bronner präsentiert junge Stars mit vergessener Musik
Klein ist unsere Welt geworden. Words and music from the Ghetto Theresienstadt
Works by Gerhard Bronner, Curt Bry, Gideon Klein, Zikmund Schul, Leo Strauss, Viktor Ullmann, Ilse Weber
Quartetto Armonico
Florian Krumpöck, piano
Agnes Palmisano, voice, guitar
Special Guest: Anita Ammersfeld
Conférence, piano and voice: Gerhard Bronner

Leo Strauss/ Gerhard Bronner: Einladung – Gerhard Bronner
Gideon Klein: Fantasy and Fugue for string quartet - Quartetto Armonico
Viktor Ullmann- Piano Sonata Nr. 2 - Florian Krumpöck
Curt Bry: Die Welt ist klein geworden - Agnes Palmisano, Gerhard Bronner
Leo Strauss/Gerhard Bronner: Klein ist unsere Welt geworden FP
Zikmund Schul: Chassidic Dances op. 15 for Viola and Cello
Zikmund Schul - Tzaddik for string quartet AFP
Zikmund Schul : Uv'tzeil Knofecho (In the Shadow of Your Wings) for string quartet
Gideon Klein: Lullaby - Agnes Palmisano, Gerhard Bronner
Ilse Weber: Wiegalaa FP – Agnes Palmisano
Ilse Weber/ Gerhard Bronner: Die Schafe von Lidice – Gerhard Bronner
Frantisek Bass/Gerhard Bronner: Der Garten Anita Ammersfeld/Gerhard Bronner
Jirsi Koleba/Gerhard Bronner: Der Bettler - Anita Ammersfeld/Gerhard Bronner
Pavel Friedmann/Gerhard Bronner: Der Schmetterling – Anita Ammersfeld, Gerhard Bronner

3 concerts EUR 57,--/Members 51,--/Students 27,--
1 concert: EUR 20,--/Members 18,--/Students 10,--
Ticket reservation: Orpheus Trust, e-mail: office@orpheustrust.at, Tel. 5268092

2003, Saturday March 15th, 7.00 p.m.
Musikschule Oberwarth, Oberwarth
Yair Kless, violin, Paul Gulda and Istvan Matyas, piano and quartetto armonico play music by Karl Goldmark, Dimitri Schostakowitsch, Gideon Klein and Zikmund Schul.
R.E.F.U.G.I.U.S in cooperation with Orpheus Trust

Wednesday, march 19th, 7.30 p.m.
Literaturhaus, Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Wien
Music in Exile
Ernst Römer - music, literature and fine arts in the exile - network in Mexico 1938-47
Christian Kloyber, expert on Austrian exile in Mexico, talks to Oscar Römer, the son of composer and conductor Ernst Römer. Original recordings by Ernst Römer, live music of Ruth Schoenthal and Marcel Rubin performed by the Ensemble Pierrot Lunaire Wien.
In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Mexico, DÖW and Österreichische Exilbibliothek.
No entrance fee.

2003, Saturday March 22nd, 7.00 p.m.
Metro Kino, Johannesgasse 4, 1010 Vienna
Bronner im Kino
Tonfilmschlager der 30er Jahre
Gerhard Bronner presents short cuts and sings popular songs from films of the thirties.
Tickets EUR 18,-/ EUR 15,-- (members) Metro Kino (4.00-8.00 p.m.)

Wednesday, march 26th, 2003, 7.30 p.m.
ORF RadioKulturhaus, Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Wien
MIT LEICHTEM GEPÄCK. Gerhard Bronner präsentiert junge Stars mit vergessener Musik
Die Lichter von Budapest (The lights of Budapest)
Music by Béla Bartók, Paul Abraham, Emmerich Kálmán, Ödön Partos. Miklós Rózsa, Leo Weiner
Amber Trio Jerusalem
Eszter Haffner, violin/ viola
Andrea Malek, voice
Zoltán Nyári, voice
Adrine Simonian, voice
Tünde Kurucz and Ilse Schumann, piano
Gerhard Bronner presents, plays and sings
Tickets: Orpheus Trust, e-mail: office@orpheustrust.at,
Tel. 01/5268092

2003, Saturday, March 29th, 7.00 p.m.
Metro Kino, Johannesgasse 4, 1010 Wien
Bronner im Kino
A tribute to movie artist, who have been murdered by the nazis
Gerhard Bronner presents short cuts, songs and texts of the great comedians, that have become victims of NS-terror.
A cooperation of the Filmarchiv Austria in Kooperation with the Orpheus Trust and the Thomas Sessler Verlag. Entrance fee EUR 18--/ EUR 15,-- Members Filmarchiv Austrai, Orpheus Trust and Club Ö1.
Ticket reservation Metro Kino (4.00 - 6.00 p.m.)

2003, Thursday April 3rd, 7.00 p.m.
Arnold Schönberg Center, Schwarzenbergplatz 6, 1030 Vienna
Buchpräsentation 'Die Rezeption des Exils. Geschichte und Perspektiven der österreichischen Exilfors
Presentation of 'Die Rezeption des Exils' (Evelyn Adunka/Peter Roessler, Ed.; Mandelbaum Verlag Wien) and presentation of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Exilforschung (öge) (Austrian Society for the Research of Exile). With Konstantin Kaiser, Hilde Haider-Pregler, Erika Weinzierl and a reading by Otto Tausig.
No entrance fee.

Wednesday, april 9th, 2003, 7.30 p.m.
ORF RadioKulturhaus, Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Wien
MIT LEICHTEM GEPÄCK. Gerhard Bronner präsentiert junge Stars mit vergessener Musik 
Exodus. (Alt-)Österreich in Hollywood
Music by Hanns Eisler, Ernest Gold, Walter Jurmann, E.W. Korngold, Sigmund Romberg, Miklós Rózsa, Hans J. Salter, Fritz Spielmann, Max Steiner and franz Waxman
Amber Trio Jerusalem
David Frühwirth, violin
Henri Sigfridsson, piano
Junge Philharmonie Wien, Michael Lessky, conductor
special guest: Salome Kammer, voice
Gerhard Bronner presents, plays and sings
Tickets: Orpheus Trust, e-mail: office@orpheustrust.at,
Tel. 01/5268092 

2003, Wednesday May 7th, 6.00 p.m.
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wie
Book presentation 'Give them music. Musiktherapie im Exil am Beispiel von Vally Weigl'
Presentation of the book 'Give them music. Musiktherapie im Exil am Beispiel von Vally Weigl' (Music therapy in exile. , Elena Fitzthum & Primavera Gruber (Ed.), Edition praesens Vienna.
Articles by Peri Arndt, Ernst Berger, Carl Bergstroem-Nielsen, Elisabeth Brainin, Hans-Helmut Decker-Voigt, Sophie fetthauer, Elena Fitzthum, Primavera Gruber, Ingrid Haimböck, Gerlinde Illich, Dorothea Oberegelsbacher, Inge Scholz-Strasser, Alan Solomon, Margit Wolfsberger.
'Das bösze salonorchester' plays the 'New England Suite' by Vally Weigl.
No entrance fee, petit buffet.

Tuesday, september 9th 2003, 3 pm
Karolinengasse 14, 1040 Wien
Installation of a memorial tablet for the composer and music pedagogue Richard Stöhr
The Wellesz Quartett plays 2 movements from the String Quartet d-minor op.22 by Richard Stöhr

Monday, October 20th and Tuesday, October 21st 2003
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Institut Ludwig van Beethoven, 1030 Wien, Rennweg 8
Masterclass Edith Kraus with works by Viktor Ullmann
Edith Kraus, born in Vienna in 1913, had her début at the age of 11 years, studied with Artur Schnabel in Berlin. In 1942 she was deported to the concentration camp Terezin, where she performed for the first time Viktor Ullmann's Sonata for Piano No.6. Edith Kraus survived and visited the whole world as pianist and teacher.Ttoday she lives in Jerusalem. She never returned to Vienna after the Holocaust.
In her masterclass Edith Kraus will teach the Sonatas No. 1-4 and No. 6 by Viktor Ullmann.
In cooperation with the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Institut Ludwig van Beethoven.

Thursday, October 23rd 2003, 7.30 p.m.
RadioKulturhaus, Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Vienna
Orpheus Trust - Studiokonzert
'Performed for the first time in Theresienstadt' - Edith Kraus
Students of the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst perform music by Viktor Ullmann und Pavel Haas.
Presented by: Irene Suchy
Tickets: EUR 12,-- in advance; EUR 13,--; EUR 6,50 for remaining tickets one hour before the concert.
Tickets RadioKulturhaus: 01/501 70 377

Friday, October 24th 2003, 4 p.m.
Institut f. Wissenschaft u. Kunst, Berggasse 17, 1090 Vienna
'Biographia': strangeness and friendship
Lecture Primavera Gruber and talk with Edith Kraus

Friday October 24th 2003, 8.15 p.m. after Erev Schabbat
Or Chadasch, Haidgasse 1, 1020 Wien
The pianist Edith Kraus talks about her life
Presented by Evelyn Adunka. Guests are welcome, please take your identity card or your invitation with you. Organization by the liberal jewish community Or Chadasch in co-operation with Orpheus Trust.

Friday-Saturday, november 21st-22nd 2003
VHS Hietzing, Hofwiesengasse 48, 1130 Vienna
'Adorno hören - Symposion zum 100.Geburstag'
A symposion on the occasion of the hundredth birthday of Theodor W. Adorno. On november 21st at 6 p.m. in the banqueting hall of the VHS Hietzing takes place a concert with works from Theodor W. Adorno and his correspondence partner Ernst Krenek, as well as from Alban Berg's disciple Philipp Herschkowitz. Anna Maria Pammer, soprano, Markus Vorzellner, piano, Dario Lindes, reciter.

Monday and Tuesday December 1st/2nd 2003

Talk with Gerhard Bronner
Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes Graz, Berufspädagogische Akademie des Bundes in Graz, Pädagogische Akademie der Diözese Graz-Seckau

Tuesday December 2nd 2003, 8 p.m.
Orpheum Graz, Orpheumgasse 8, 8020 Graz
Gerhard Bronner with his successful 'Best of Bronner'
Tickets: Orpheum Graz, Tel. 0316/713473, Price: EUR 22,-/18,-

Wednesday, december 10th, 7 p.m.
Arnold Schönberg Center, Palais Fanto, 1030 Vienna
Lecture Gerhard Scheit/Primavera Gruber on the investigation of music in the exile
Lecture Dr. Gerhard Scheit and Dr. Primavera Gruber on the investigation of music in the exile. With Prof. Erwin Weiss as oral history witness and Mag. Karin Wagner (dissertation/ Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Vienna)

Monday, december 15th 2003, 7 p.m.
Literaturhaus, Zieglergasse 26a, 1070 Wien
Presentation of the Exilbibliothek issue 'Asyl wider Willen. Exil in Österreich 1933-1938'
Ursula Seeber (ed.), Picus Verlag. Österreichische Exilbibliothek in co-operation with Orpheus Trust.
The Vienna Harmonists with popular songs of the Comedian Harmonists.

Wednesday, December 17th 2003
Orpheus Trust
Alles Gute. Ein Umgang
Lebe wohl, gute Reise
The Vienna Harmonists with songs by the Comedian Harmonists shortly before their escape into exile.



Lisl Steinitz




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